Sourcing Custom Wire Harness Manufacturers: Searching For The Right Supplier

News Team Wiring Harness Manufacturing

From  A Custom Wire Harness Manufacturer As a custom wire harness manufacturer, C-T Wire Prep meets with many individuals each year who are usually employed as purchasing agents or buyers for various OEM’s. Many of these individuals have a limited knowledge scope of the basics about what they are attempting to purchase or find — a regular, repeatable supplier for their custom wire harness or custom cable assemblies. This informative article was put together for the sole purpose of helping out these individuals in their task. So there you are in your purchasing role tasked to find a decent manufacturer …

Professional Wire Processing: Semi-automated Crimping of Terminals Onto Stripped Wire ends

News Team Crimping Contacts, Wiring Harness Manufacturing

Achieving a gas tight, quality crimp onto a stripped wire is always the desired result of any good wiring harness manufacturer.  The best way to achieve quality is to make sure first that the wire itself is stripped properly and not missing any strands of copper that might have been removed or damages by the stripping process.  Another consideration is the length of the strip and perpendicular cutting of the wire end sets up the correct situation for crimping properly. Having a well-trained, astute cutting worker means everything to the beginning of high quality parts. Each different type of crimp …